First season concert on 7th of September at 6 pm offers tone-paintings of deep sea
Published 31.08.2023
Kuopio and Joensuu Symphony Orchestras are conducted by Eugene Tzigane
The Kuopio Symphony Orchestra’s Autumn Season Series starts with Call of the Sea concert at the Kuopio Music Centre Concert Hall on Thursday 7th of September at 6 pm. The concert is conducted by Eugene Tzigane and the KSO performs with the Joensuu Symphony Orchestra. We will hear two dramatic tone-paintings of the deep sea: Jean Sibelius’ Oceanides and Claude Debussy’s La Mer. Throughout September, the orchestra will present a number of the late Jaakko Kuusisto’s works beginning with the Savo premiere of his Symphony Op. 39 on the 7th of September.
The KSO starts its Autumn Season Series on the 7th of September in an oceanic atmosphere. ”From Grecian Oceanids of the deep sea and the haunting sounds of navigational buoys in the Bay of Finland, to two dramatic tone-paintings portraying opposite sides of the English Channel, this evening promises to be enchanting, colorful, and varied”, as Eugene Tzigane, the Chief Conductor of the KSO describes the evening’s programme.
”On a more personal note, we mark the beginning of this season by honoring our dear friend and former music director, Jaakko Kuusisto”, he continues. Throughout September, the KSO will present a number of Jaakko Kuusisto’s works beginning with the Savo premiere of his Symphony Op. 39 on the 7th of September. ”On this special occasion, we welcome the collaboration with the wonderful Joensuu Symphony Orchestra”, Tzigane says.
The duration of the concert is about 1 hour 35 minutes, including interval. The concert will be performed also at the Carelia Hall in Joensuu on Friday 8th of September.
The evening begins at 5.30 pm at the Hall of Light with a Pre Talk event introducing Jari Eskola, the new director of the Kuopio Music Centre and the KSO, and Eugene Tzigane, the KSO Chief Conductor.
Season Series Tickets Autumn 2023 including 8 Season Concerts, available until the 7th of September: 220 € / 179 € senior citizens.
Jaakko Kuusisto Package including 3 Season Concerts in September 7.9. – 14.9 – 28.9., available until 7th of September: 85 € / 70 € senior citizens.
Individual tickets: 33 € / 27 € senior citizens and groups min. 20 persons / 11 € children under the age of 16 and students / 4 € concert day discount ticket for students and young people under the age of 20. Prices include the Kuopio Music Centre service fee 2 € / ticket. The service fees vary depending on the place of purchase.
Producer & Publicity Manager Elina Prepula, tel. 044 718 2364, elina.prepula(at) | Facebook: Kuopionkaupunginorkesteri | Instagram: kuopionkaupunginorkesteri