Kuopion Kaupunginorkesteri


Spring season ends on 27th of May with mind-blowing master piece Rite of Spring

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Published 17.05.2023

Sir Simon Keenlyside as the baritone soloist of KSO and Oulu Symphony

On Saturday 27th of May at 4 pm we will enjoy the culmination of the Kuopio Symphony Orchestra’s Spring 2023 Season and the grand event of music life in Kuopio. At the Kuopio Music Centre Concert Hall we will hear Igor Stravinsky’s master piece Rite of Spring performed by over 100 musicians of the Kuopio Symphony Orchestra and the Oulu Symphony. The soloist of the concert will be the British baritone Sir Simon Keenlyside, who will interpret Songs of a Wayfarer of Gustav Mahler. The concert will begin with Richard Strauss’ Till Eulenspiegel and it will be conducted by the Oulu Symphony’s Chief Conductor Rumon Gamba.

Igor Stravinsky crashed the tectonic plates of the music world against each other when he composed the Rite of Spring in 1913, considered to be the most influential piece of music of the entire 20th century. Its primeval chords, pounding rhythms, and deafening volume which keeps both players and spectators alike on their toes foreshadowed the events which left the world irrevocably altered.

The British baritone, multiple-time Gramophone winner and several times chosen as the soloist of the year Sir Simon Keenlyside is known as a singer who expresses the emotions of humanity both through soft whispers and powerful belts. Both skills are required when performing Gustav Mahler’s Songs of a Wayfarer. The concert, a collaboration with the Oulu Symphony cancelled in March 2020, will now finally be realised after a long wait.

The concert will also be played on 25-26 May, 2022 at the Oulu Music Centre.

The duration of the concert is about 1 hour 45 minutes, including the interval.

Tickets: 55 € / 45 € senior citizens and groups min. 20 persons / 40 € Kuopio Symphony Orchestra’s Season Ticket Customers / 35 € children under the age of 16 and students. Prices include the Kuopio Music Centre service fee 2 € / ticket. The service fees vary depending on the place of purchase.

Producer & Publicity Manager Elina Prepula, tel. 044 718 2364, elina.prepula(at)kuopio.fi
www.kuopionkaupunginorkesteri.fi | Facebook: Kuopionkaupunginorkesteri | Instagram: kuopionkaupunginorkesteri 



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