Last season series concert of Autumn on December 5th will feature northern forces
Published 28.11.2024
RSO solo clarinetist Christoffer Sundqvist as the soloist of KSO
The Kuopio Symphony Orchestra’s last season series concert of this autumn Northern Forces on the 5th of December at 6 pm will feature northern forces. The concert, held at the Kuopio Music Centre Concert Hall, will begin with the Suite for Orchestra composed for the film Juha by Helvi Leiviskä. Sebastian Fagerlund’s dazzling Clarinet Concerto will be interpreted by the versatile Christoffer Sundqvist. The concert will end with Jean Sibelius’ bright Symphony No 3 under the baton of KSO chief conductor Eugene Tzigane.
The KSO’s concert Northern Forces will begin with Helvi Leiviskä’s Suite for Orchestra No 2. Leiviskä was one of the rising composers of the interwar generation, who sought to expand the grammar of Sibelian aesthetics, gradually evolving into a modernist voice. The orchestral suite is a compilation of film music that Leiviskä composed in 1937 for Nyrki Tapiovaara’s highly acclaimed film Juha based on Juhani Aho’s novel.
The evening’s soloist piece will be Sebastian Fagerlund’s masterful Clarinet Concerto. This contemporary classic from 2006 is a dazzling virtuoso work that showcases the brilliant playing of the Radio Symphony Orchestra’s principal clarinetist Christoffer Sundqvist. Sundqvist has appeared as a soloist with almost all Finnish orchestras, as well as several Nordic and European orchestras and festivals. In addition to Fagerlund’s Clarinet Concerto, he has premiered clarinet concertos by Olli Kortekangas, Aulis Sallinen and Jukka Linkola, among others. Sundqvist has made several award-winning and critically acclaimed recordings.
The evening will conclude with Jean Sibelius’s Third Symphony. As Romanticism entered its twilight years, Sibelius’ symphonies became more compact in form and more emotionally restrained. In his Third Symphony, Sibelius occasionally condenses his expression to a minimalist level, often starting with a theme in variations or fragments and only later showing the whole from which it all originated. The symphony does not culminate in great power, but in an almost devotional hymn, which also rises from the swamp of rather confused material with mysterious effectiveness. Sibelius said that the finale is “the clarification of thought from chaos”.
Before the concert, at 5:30 pm at the Kuopio Music Centre Hall of Light, a Pre-Talk event open to everyone is organized. At the beginning, a music performance will be heard from Ilona Nylund, who studies at the Kuopio Conservatory, playing the clarinet.
Tickets: 33 € / 27 € senior citizens and groups min. 20 persons / 11 € children under the age of 16 and students / 4 € concert day discount ticket for students and young people under the age of 20.
Producer & Publicity Manager Elina Prepula, tel. 044 718 2364, elina.prepula(at) | Facebook: Kuopionkaupunginorkesteri | Instagram: kuopionkaupunginorkesteri